My sista’ engagement day…

selesai sudah majlis pertunangan along ku pada 06/06/09...alhamdulillah..
majlis diketuai oleh atuk ku dan pak uda(belah lelaki)
sedikit gambar2 yg disnap...tgok jelah...

***nnt I update...skang ni tgh busy and demam pom blum baik semangat kurang skit ler...***

Surprise from my friends aka ofismate…thanx girls!!

Birthday cake from my family…
Bantal drp Lina, x-roomate/x-housemate
Set kerongsang from my sista
Gelang Kristal from my bro…
Thanx guys…
Love u all…

Hadiah drp Dr. Kan…huhu…

My (23+1)th Birthday

by on June 05, 2009
Assalamualaikum Surprise from my friends aka ofismate…thanx girls!!   Birthday cake from my family… Hadiah!!! Bantal drp Lina, x...
Lagu: Ada Untukmu
Nyanyian: NubHan

Di sana pungguk menanti
Mengharap bulan membalas rindu di hati

Di sini aku berdiri
Menunggu penuh dengan kesabaran
Tanpa manis madah
Janji yang puitis
Tuk persembahan
Hanya ketulusan
Sekeping hati suci

Berikan kasih
Kalau itu yang kau mahu dari ku

Berikan cinta
Untuk membahagiakan hari mu
Sayang dirimu
Biarpun nafas ku sampai terhenti
Akanku kota janji kita
Mendirikan Taj Mahal cinta
Seteguh kasih Shah Jehan kepada Mumtaznya
Terasa indah pabila berdua
Semakin tiba saat bahagia
Merai cinta kita

Berikan kasih
Kalau itu yang kau mahu dari ku

Berikan cinta
Untuk membahagiakan hari mu

Sayang padamu
Biarpun nafas ku sampai terhenti
Akanku kota janji kita
Mendirikan Taj Mahal cinta
Seteguh kasih Shah Jehan kepada Mumtaznya

Cerita Aku

Aku suka sangat lagu ni.
Entahlah tak tahu kenape...

Maybe kerana lagu ini selalu didengari di kaca tv semasa iklan promo drama "Cinta Batu Belah".
Aku pun tak pernah lagi tengok drama tersebut. Tetapikan suara si budak Nubhan ini memang sedap weii. Boleh lentok tertidur mendengarnya.

Aku memang minat giler dengan si Nubhan ini. Sejak dari zaman Akademi Fantasia lagi. Suka tengok dia mengusik si Stacy tu. Comel je!
NOT ME!!!!


Good afternoon…Good Monday…start your day with bright day…hehehe…

This morning I have meeting with Tanot and people from MSKota. The meeting takes 3 hours at Lestari. So, I tried to get there earlier. 930 a.m. as a planning, I see Tanot in meeting room, greeting her and waiting for MSKota’s representative. I not sure what Tanot would tell us in this meeting and I just bring what I think necessary. About 1015a.m. MSKota’s representative arrived, he late about 45 minutes. I know that he's not familiar with UKM and lost. I called him for a many time until he found this Lestari. I don’t think this is meeting because Tanot just give us a show about geopark movie that developed by Jabatan Muzium Negara. She just told us a few geosites that she thought it useful for our project and also to make MSKota’s representative clear with geological theory in geosite management. The meeting end about 1100 a.m.

Hehehe…I just told you all what I doing for today.

Actually, I have something to share with you guys. What makes me very enthusiastic to be a geologist? Last two nights, I have chit-chat with my roommate. Just a borak- borak kosong. I told her that people around me always asked why I don’t take law during my study. Why I choose geology?
Erm… I really,really want to geologist actually. Before this, I don’t know exactly what is geology. I never heard the word of geology, geologist or what ever that related with this word. But, during I in MRSMBP, my teacher have mention to me about geology. She told me that she have friends that studying in geology and the already working in international company. At that time, I have set in my mind that I want to be a geologist too. I want working with international company and also travel abroad. Wahh…very impressed. After I finished my secondary level and I got an offer to continue my study in matriculation level. So that, I am seriously want to be geologist. No one can change my mind. I have completed my study well and it time for me to choose course in university. We have eight options for a few names of university. So, I choose geology programme as my first option but my mum disagreed. She wants me to be a teacher and she wants me to change my application. I obey. Geology programme became my fifth option but I always pray and hope that I got offer in geology. Finally, I got it. I told my sis about the offer. Now, again she asks me why I don’t apply course in law. Confuse. Why must law. Weird!!!Weird!!!

Same goes with my roommate. She also asks me why I don’t studying in law. Why this people want I be a lawyer!!! I am not interested in law. I don’t think it good for me. Very differ with my character. Lawyer must be someone talkative, lot of ideas, strength, dare to defence their words. Not me!!! I just always give in. give up with myself. How can I be a lawyer!! But sis said I never give up, always want to be winner. Ketegaq (kedah word)!!! I am NOT!!!

My roommate said, to be a lawyer suitable with me. Her reason is because I like reading. That’ it… because of I am readaholic (word from workaholic and shopaholic). Hehehe…I admit that I love reading, very much. One month I must bought at least 1 book. If I have extra money, I bought more. Any type of books such Islamic book, motivation, magazines, novel (only written by RAM, I’m not interested in love story anymore), comics, mangas, or anything that makes me happy. Seriously, reading makes me happy, relaxing my mind and comfortable. From my thought, being lawyer is not me. I have no reason, why!!!

Here I state a few criteria that every lawyer should have:

1~ One of the key requirements to become a lawyer is the ability to defend an argument, means that you will have to get the facts relevant to your side of a case and stick to your argument for your client's sake.
If you are the type who presents an argument and then backs down in the face of opposition then you should not become a lawyer.

2~ Personality appearance, when people see, talking with you, they trust you. Any words that came out from your mouth are true and they believe with it. But, it does not mean you can lie.

3 ~ The quality of your education.

Get advice from others to help yourself determine if you should become a lawyer. Many times others see characteristics in us that we don't see. It could be that someone would offer constructive criticism to you that would actually be helpful in analyzing whether or not you should become a lawyer.

**Guys!!! Please correct my writing. I not good enough in English writing!!!**

this is maybe one of the reason why i can't be a lawyer...hehehe...

Being A Lawyer

by on May 25, 2009
NOT ME!!!! Assalamualaikum Good afternoon…Good Monday…start your day with bright day…hehehe… This morning I have meeting with Tanot and peop...
Assalamualaikum….salam hari sabtu…salam hari miggu...

Mungkin agak lambat atau out of the date untuk saya menceritakan perihal meeting saya semalam…bengkel yang sepatutnya diadakan selama 2 hari di Hotel Equatorial ini terpaksa diubah plan nye dek kerana project leader busy terlampau…hehehe…jangan marah yer Prof Aziz Deraman…maklumlah skang ni prof dah naik pangkat jd VC di UMT…tahniah2…

Berbalik kepada meeting semalam yang sememang pengendalian yang dilakukan oleh aku nih agak kelam kabut…huhuhu…

Sehari sebelum meeting diadakan, aku mendapat call dr PA Prof Aziz nih, die tanye aku siape yang akan attend meeting nih…siap tanye aku dah call ahli2 project or belum…cis!!!dia tanye aku camtu, padahal isnin lepas, die cakap tak payah call, nnt dia akan buat comfirmation dgn org2 besar nih…tup2…last2 minute die pulak yang tanye aku call or tak…nak jer aku ketuk kepala die tu ngan telefon nih…sib baik die takde kat ofis aku nih…sabar2!!!

So, kelam-kabut lah aku ngan seorang lg RA (asnida) under project geodiversity ni call ahli2 project, bukan sorg dua, tapi adalah dlm 7-8 org…satu pom xder yang angkat..aku dah cuak dah nih…esok meeting nih..alternative lain..try call hpone depa.. All of contact number that I have…prof shafeea, tanot..kak marilah, datuk Ibrahim komoo… satu pom tak dijawab…okey..sms and email… no reply… huhu…takpe2…relax…aku kuar lunch until 2pm…hehehe…

Sampai jer ofis, terus check email..erm… xde reply pom..oklah…aku rase prof shafeea tak datang kut..maybe die pegi fieldwork, maklumlah skang ni kan cuti semester…hehehe…sesuka ati jer buat andaian…

About 3 pm, I got reply from prof shafeea…comfirm die dating…fuhh..Lega…terus jer inform dekat cik PA tuh…pandai2 lah die…after office hour... dapat sms from tanot, “ok, saya dating”…two of LESTARI’s members confirm to attend this meeting…Alhamdulillah..aku ade kawan dah…but I’m still worried coz my data collection is not fully complete…hehehe…

The next day…

Pegi ofis awal..jam 730pg dah siap dah…tunggu bas…tp bas lambat…jam 8 bru ade bas…sampai ofis 830am..Masih ade 1 jam sblm meeting…apa nk bawak tuk meeting nih…untuk meeting2 yg lepas..semua kje aku akan dpt arahan from Dr. Jamaiah…but since die balik ke UUM, aku pulak yg kena buat…dpt arahan pom thru YM jer…hahaha…tp kali ni die tak suruh buat ape pom…ari tu die srh aku buat presentation data tp tetiba die ckp xyah ade presentation pulak…so, pikir2 nk bawa ape nih…last2, decide nk bagi agenda meeting dan minit meeting yang lepas and also paperwork from MSKota…baik ade drpd bawak tangan kosong…hehehe…so, settle dgn confident nya…berjalan2 ke meeting room…

Xder org lagi…kena setup meeting room serba ckit…yg lain technician dah siapkan..Prof Aziz datang…then wakil MSKota pom dah sampai..tunggu ahli lain sampai…I’m start nervous…relax…cam tak biase meeting jer…hehehe..kena naik to my room coz I missed something…back to meeting room…wahh…sume org dah sampai…Prof Shafea, Tanot, Lim, Kak Marilah ( 3 of them bakal memegang title Dr). Alhamdulillah…semua berjalan lancar…mukadimah from Prof aziz…panjang lebar…then die tanye aku pulak..ade ape2 nak cakap…aku cakap xder…die tanye pasal presentation, so aku jawab takde..dah cancel..die angguk…alih2…die mintak paper yg dibentangkan di Egypt bulan lepas…konon nak tunjuk kat MSKota..aku tak bawak…so terpaksa lari2 ke room aku…

On the way terserempak dgn Dr sufian(ahli project juga) bitau dia meeting bla..bla…settle…masuk meeting…datuk ibrahim komoo ade(biasenya dia tak datang)...cuaknye but pretend cool(cool ker???cam nk nangis jer)…hehehe…bitau prof just ade paper jer xder slide show…prof kate xper…pasang cd tu…rupanye prof nk suruh aku present (aku dpt tau dr asnida) but luckly Dr sufian ade…lg pom die yg present kat Egypt ari2… aku duduk tempat aku sml…pura2 cool..focus2…(maklum lah duk sebelah prof shafea)…hehehe…banyak isu di bangkit kan…selesai bahagian kitorg…

Then, presentation from MsKota…bla..bla..bla…actually, ada 3 company hantar paper work…but they decided to hire MSKota to design Mygeo-RS nih…Datuk Ibrahim Komoo kata, if this system berjaya dibangunkan, Malaysia adalah negara pertama yg buat database for geopark…coz geoparks members yg lain belum buat lagi…check kat GGN (Global Geoparks Network). Langkawi adalah salah satu geopark yang mendapat endorsement from UNESCO.

Meeting selesai…lebih kurang jam 12thari…mkn2…selesai…MSKota beredar…

Aku berbincang sedikit ngan prof shafeea…tunjukkan data yag aku dah dapat…die check…ape yang salah die betulkan…datuk Ibrahim komoo pom ade bagi aku sedikit info…die kate kena phm betul2 geopark nih..die ade step2nye dalam pengumpulan data nih…kne follow the rules baru tak confius..okey…Kemuncaknya, ade satu bahagian yg mne diorg (ahli penyelidik nih) belum decide nme satu landscape tu…so, on the dot diorg decide lah nk bagi ape shefeea serah kan pada tanot…so, tanot explain kat aku…die cadangkan nme tu…aku ikut jer coz aku xder kuasa…satu perbincangan yg serius berlaku…perselisihan pendapat berlaku between datuk and tanot…masing2 pertahankan pendapat.. I’m in between…takutnye tengok diorg nih… jalan penyelesaian perlu dicari…tanot mengalah dlm ketidakpuasan hati…prof shafeea terpaksa mengambil jalan tengah, aku hanya terima apa yang diberi…hehehe…risau jugak aku time tu coz tanot dah merajuk…huhu…but everything back to normal…neutral!!!

Habis perbincangan!!!


~Langkawi Geopark telah diiktiraf seluruh dunia pada 2007…sebaris dengan China, UK, Romania, Spain, Brazil dan lain2 lagi…
~dalam meeting (beberapa meeting yg aku tlh hadiri) , asyik aku jer yang terkena…pening…cuak…malu…seribu macam rase…
~Managing Director MSKota, Hj Syukor… called me PUAN Suriyani…omg…berpandangan aku ngan asnida sambil ulang perkataan Hj Syukur nih…senyum jer lah…(muka aku nih dah mcm puan ker??!!)takleh terima!!!!
~aku suka style tanot…
~kali pertama berbincang dengan Datuk Ibrahim Komoo…seronok2…walaupon ni kali ke-3 aku bersua muka ngan die…hehehe…
~prof shafeea Tanya aku dah register master belum(under project nih/research)???!!!aku dah tak igt kali ke berapa die tanye aku soklan ini…jawapan aku: BELUM…comfius nk wat master or tak…tp aku dah dpt surat tawaran tuk MSc. Engineering Geology/ coursework…tanot pom pernah tanye soklan yg same bulan lepas…
~dr jamaiah (UUM), memohon utk pindah ke UKM....datuk kata buleh la die join LESTARI..peluang nih...
~this Monday, meeting wif tanot, MSKota and I at LESTARI.
~release tension: kuar g jalan smpai petang….hehehe…
**ak rase kena CUT ckit entry nih...panjang xreti nk CUT..huhu!!!**

Meeting Geodiversity

by on May 23, 2009
Serius.........!!! Assalamualaikum….salam hari sabtu…salam hari miggu... Mungkin agak lambat atau out of the date untuk saya menceritakan p...

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