Showing posts with label My Story and I. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Story and I. Show all posts
by on May 10, 2009
selamat hari ibu untuk semua ibu-ibu di dunia nih..selamat hari ibu kepada ibu ku rohayah binti awang..terima kasih kerana menjadi ibu yang ...

hehehe...saje jer hari minggu xder kerja mai ofis nih...for my next entry...last week I ade jemputan kenduri kawen one of my fren...ermm...budak geo yang pertama kawen nih(batch aku lah)...pembukaan bak kata org...huhu...dah lepas dah sorang...kita tunggu jemputan kedua...siapakan org yg bakal bakal mengikut jejak itu...kita tunggu....adakah saya???

pengantin berbaju oren...kena pulak dengan baju yang I pakai tu...ikut tema la pulak..hehehehe... anyway tahniah kepada sang raja sehari... sempat jugak pengantin mem"puhh" kat ktorg nih...ambil badi/berkat kate nya...hahahaha...
a few friends yang datang pada majlis tu...sempat juga lah berjumpa dan berborak...maklumlah lame tak jumpa..even aku bukan lah bagus dlm skill berbual-bual...diam lebih seronok jugak jumpa kawan2...seronok tgk diorg nih...ade yang makin kurus dan ade yang makin tembam...but one of my frens said that I jer yang maintain kurus ker...maintain tembam..yg tu...I'm not sure...hahaha...yang penting seronok tgk kwn2 gumbira dgn life masing2...but, do I happy wif my life??of course I do...

lastly...congrate to sang pengantin (Nurul Hidayah and husband)...semuga bahagia hingga ujung hayat...and to others...nnt nk kawen jg lupe jemput I yer...insyaAllah I datang if xder aral yang melintang di jalanan...huhu...ayat ape nih...main blasah jer...ok lah...adios....takut nk merepek lame2 nnt you all buhsan...

The First Wedding

by on April 19, 2009
Haluuu... hehehe...saje jer hari minggu xder kerja mai ofis nih...for my next entry...last week I ade jemputan kenduri kawen one of my fren....
::My new PC::
Yesterday, I got a new computer...happy....happy...happy...every thing became faster..faster and faster....I'm happy again...happy...happy...
No time to wait...It's time to explorace...and I got something to share with you all...after I open sample pictures folder in this computer and I've see very beautiful, nice, cold, and natural view..
I love it..Really....

the sun...

...water flow...




look likes star..

bunga it true???

...hottest flowers...

under the sea...

hornbill... winter leaves...nice on sight... ....the fall water or waterfall....
...summer vs autumn...
the tail...
seriously...beautiful pictures..
seen like I am "jakun"...hahaha..
I'm happy....

Something To Share

by on March 13, 2009
::My new PC:: Yesterday, I got a new computer...happy....happy...happy...every thing became faster..faster and faster....I'm happy agai...
::Confusion and I::

Alhamdulillah….Finally, I have settle and submit the application to further my study (MSc. Engineering Geology). Hopefully, I will stand with the decision that I made till the end. Hehe..I know that, I am easily to change mind at anytime. I am not good decision maker and I cannot stand with that…Bad me.

By the way, I have 5 months left to think about this. To continues my study or working? I am not sure yet. Just like my friend said yesterday, “Sue, you have 5 months to think this. If, in this period you did not have any job offer, you should further your study. It is good for you”. Errmm..I am still doubt with it…Please Allah…Help me. Give me your strongest. Give your Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim. I am really, really need your guidance. Please show me the ways. Ameen.

Yesterday, I am going to Geology Department to see my lecturers and try to get them as my references for master’s application form. Unfortunately, I am just doing masters by coursework. Actually, I put my hope to doing masters in research but my lecturer does not have any project to support my research. If I really want to do my own research, I need to use my own money. And honestly, I do not have any money. Too bad... Pity me.

Sometimes, I always think that people around me (others faculty student) very lucky, they have chance to do their research because their lecturers have lot of project and budget to support them. I am very jealous to them. But, it is okay. May be it not my time and may be Allah have a good plan to me. That is why He tests me. He just wants to know how much, how longer, I can stand with His tests. I am grateful with that and I hope He will give me something that really, really meaningful to me. Thank You Allah. Only He knew it. And I am prayed for it. InsyaAllah.

So, for this moment I just continue my contract as a research assistant until July. Then, if I am lucky, if I got offer to further study, I just go on with it. I am just can prays for it. And only Allah can help me. I let it to Him.

Actually, I still confuse with course that I applied. Either MSc. Engineering Geology or MSc. Engineering and Environment Geophysics are both good programme. If I take Engineering geology it is good for me because I am major in Engineering Geology during my first degree. It is an advantage for me and helps me score in this subject but if I take course Geophysics it is quite difficult for me because my result for this subject is not good enough. So, I need to work harder to make it better. For both programme has potential in industry, either oil and gas or construction industry.

Last but not least, I hope I can do better than before. I need to redeem back my mistakes that I have done. I prayed for my success and I knew that Allah will protect me. He knows everything. InsyaAllah..Ameen.

My journey is still longer and I should face it by myself. Nobody can help me. Only I can help myself. I must be stronger, stronger, and stronger. And also brave. I hope so.

Masters Vs Working..

by on February 18, 2009
::Confusion and I:: Alhamdulillah….Finally, I have settle and submit the application to further my study (MSc. Engineering Geology). Hopeful...
Assalamualaikum semua.

Terima kasih kerana sudi datang blog walking ke blog

Sebenarnya blog ini masih lagi dalam pembangunan dan aku masih belajar lagi how to build and design this blog...

Jadi, agak mengalami kelembapan otak sedekit dalam pembikinannya (hancur bahasa aku...hehe..)... 
Aku ingatkan mudah untuk membuat blog..
Rupa-rupanya payah juga.. kena pula aku bukanlah seorang yang mahir dalam IT dan multimedia ini.

It's not easy to me...bukan mudah ya.
Nasib baik ada kawan seperti Siti ini, banyak belajar daripadanya.
Walaupun agak memeningkan kepala.
Tapi since aku dah bina my own blog ini.
Hendak atau tidak kena teruskan juga.
Biar rasa enjoy itu tiba sendiri. 
Tapi tidak reti juga untuk  menyusun atur items dan gadjet yang akan dimasukkan di blog ini.
Sebab itulah pentingnya kreativiti...huhu...
Aku pula bukanlah seorang yang kreatif.
Mesti bosan blog page ini..
It's okay, at least aku dah cuba buat yang terbaik walaupun kadang-kadang ada rasa malas dan give up  juga.
Sekurang-kurangnya aku boleh tahu sejauh mana ke'abiliti'an aku untuk berblog.

Aku rasa macam dah semakin merepek aku menulis ni.
Tiada idea nak tulis apa sebenarnya. 

Sesiapa ada idea atau tips nak share dengan aku tak?
Tips blogging dengan baik dan cemerlang?
Kongsilah ya.


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