Aku tercatuk sendirian dihadapan TV…berseorangan mengadap tv yg tidak dipasang…mahu disambung tidur kah…mungkin tidak…mengira2 di dalam otak…aktiviti ape yer ari nih…aku bangkit ke dapur mengambil roti, marjerin serta kaya, membancuh segelas susu dan bersarapan seorang diri sambil menonton tv yang baru dipasang…masih terlalu awal…tv9 menayangkan cerita “Nasi lemak kopi O”. Ok lah jugak pepagi nih, untuk merefreshkan minda…
Teringat pulak tentang buku terbaru penulis kegemaran ku, Ramlee Awang Murshid..buku yang bertajuk “Mikhail” masih belum ku miliki. Walhal buku telah pun dipasarkan 20/03/2009. Perlu dapatkan secepat mungkin…terpikir jugak nih…hendak beli kat mne…? kalu di kedai buku yang biase2 mesti belum ade lagi…MPh?hmm…aku kena pegi midvalley atau di putrajaya..terasa malas pulak hendak ke midvalley, kes kecurian di surau dulu menyebabkan aku phobia utk ke midvalley lagi…atau ke putrajaya tp bukan nye aku biasa dengan jalan ke sana…
Mengira-ngira di dalam otak, akhirnya aku mengambil handphone dan terus sms huda yang kini tinggal di hostel…bertanye kan dia mahu ke mane2 tak ari nih..tapi tiada balasan…mungkin masih awal utk aku sms die..aku melihat jam di hanphone hampir pukul 11 pagi dah… hampir jam 1300 bru aku terima msj from huda..masa tu aku tgh bace novel ayat2 cinta yg aku d/load from internet…never mind, atleast dapat jugak aku baca sehingga page 48…so, dah set time nk pegi midvalley…siap2…solat zuhur kat umah and tggu huda sbb die ckp nk pg tukar minyak hitam kete dlu..hampir jam 4 bru gerak ke mid…lame jugak…lunch pom blom…
Sampai jer di mid terus ke foodcourt..mkn2…mahal gile nasi goreng plus air milo RM 12…baik makan fastfood murah jugak tp aku tgh boikot…so takpe lah mahal ckit…atleast kedai tu org melayu… hampir jam 5 bru siap mkn…terus ke mph…cari2 buku “Mikhail” tp xjumpe…yang nmpak di mata hanye lah buku “personal justice”...rembat jugak buku ni…pegi tanye pekerja kat mph pasal buku Mikhail tp die tak tahu… aku pelik..takkan xder lagi kat cni…sepatutnya dah ada sbb mph ni kedai buku yang besar..sedikit kecewa…tidak mahu buang masa…aku terus ke kaunter nk bayar harga buku “personal justice tu’…di kaunter ramai org…beratur jugak…sambil2 mate melilau cari Mikhail..then…got it…aku nmpk Mikhail betul di rak belakang cashier tu…diorang tgh buat record kut…
My turn nak buat pembayaran, dan2 tu jugak aku tanye cashier tu..”dik buku Mikhail tu dah jual blum”aku tanye...“dah akak”jawab bdk cashier tu. “klu camtu, akak nk beli satu”…yahuuuu….dapat jugak akhirnya…bayar…then terus keluar….teman huda jln2 cari pasal jap…tak sabar nk balik umah…

MIKHAIL~bukan sekadar sebuah nama...
Jam dah kul 7…dah nk maghrib pom…ajak huda balik…mak aih…kat komuter ramai org rupernya….tggu komuter punye lah lame…jam 745mlm bru sampai…org bertolak2 mahu masuk ke dalam tren tu…aku mmg tak sangka…dasyat betul org2 ni…diorg tolak kami yg tgh beratur ni dr tepi menyebabkab org yang nk keluar dr tren xleh kluar…aku dah start membebel dah. “wei,jgn lah tolak, sabarlah”…tp diorg buat tak tau jer…isk33x..teruk tul lah…bersesaklah dalam tren tu…tak sukerrr….
Sampai di station komuter ukm dah hampir jam 830…terus ke kereta and huda hantar aku ke rumah…penat…bersiap and solat…tak sabar nk baca Mikhail…
Tgk tv dlu..then jam 1230 aku bru nk start baca Mikhail…baca sikit terus tertido…sempat habiskan intro sahaja..hehehe…
22 March~seperti biase, jam semulajadi akan berbunyi…early in the morning terjaga dr tido…mengalami mimpi sedikit menakutkan…atau ia bukan mimpi ttp igauan..???
Bersiap…tgk tv jap then…dunia Mikhail bermula…bacaan terganggu…aku mengalami food poisoning…sakit perut…sgt2…tak igt ape yang aku mkn semalam…tak leh nk breakfirst sbb skit perut…nk pg klinik dkt ngan umah tp tutup ari ahad…waa…
Misi Mikhail tergendala…
Aku nekad nk abiskan jugak buku nih…baca…baca…baca….
Baca…baca…baca…mikhail…akhirnya aku tertido hingga maghrib…bersiap…solat…then…isyak…
Tgk cite pondok2…seronok…telatah budak2…
Mikhail lagi….baca…baca…baca…akhirnya, jam hampir 2 pagi bru aku selesai menghabiskan pembacaan ku…akhirnya….Misi ku selesai…
Tido….esok kje…hehehe…
Personal Justice menunggu…..sabar noiii…

Misi Mikhail
I love this sentence. Ermm…This is exactly right as the author tried to tell us. When we came to other people life, we will leave them lots of memories. To let them missed us and always think about the sweet/bad moment we were had. Errmm…I do.

I got this word from the book recently I read. The book title is “Chicken soup for the Teenage Soul”. Hehehe…It sound funny because I not teenager anymore. I’m 24 years old right now but it’s doesn’t matter. I have touched this book once. At that time, I’m in form four, form five I’m not sure. But I see my friend read this book and I not interested to know or read this book. For that, it’s better if I finished my add math or math mod. Actually, I not good in these both subject and I always scolded by my teachers. I need to attend intensive classes for these subject and also others science subject. Hahaha…
Okay...back to the main point. This book I borrowed from my housemate and started read it last night. Honestly I told you that my bad habit is before I go to sleep I must read book but in the dark. Not too dark, I just opened the door and let some light in. I remember I had caught by my teacher, she also my dorm’s master because I’m studying in the dark. Because of that, she’s lectures me and bla…bla…bla… one word I remember is “nanti bertambah tebal lah spect mata awak, Sueanne”. She asked me to study at front door. Actually, at hostel the light off at 1100 pm. So some students who want make revision they will stay at front door and study there. Pity us. Prep time is not enough. Hahaha…

“Chicken soup for the Teenage Soul”. This book contents lot of story from love story, relationships, friendships, life and everything. But, the main factor that brings me to read this book is the language, the word they use. It very easy to understand and I use it to correct and improve my English. It is good for me. It is really helpful. And because I am quit busy, I use lot time to finish it. I am just read for page 34 since last night. Hahaha… Slow like siput…
I admitted that before this I can finish my reading in just one night. That is true. I’m obsessed with love story, malays novel but since I read Ramlee Awang Mursyid’s novel (started in matriculation), my passion to this genre decreased. It is good for me. I’m back to the real world but I am entered to the other world. Hahaha… I suggest you guys; try to read this Ramlee Awang Mursyid’s novel. And you will know how thriller is he.

Okay… I stop here. I am just want to let you all know that I started read this book. “Chicken soup for the teenage soul” and I’ trying to finish it as fast as I can. Hehehe… Just want to bring back my teenage soul.